Financial support for the choir

As a charity, we rely on the generous backing of supporters who appreciate our charitable objectives. Our costs are covered by membership subscription, ticket sales and donations. Any financial support given to the choir is greatly appreciated.

Online donations can be made via our Give as you live page or by clicking the donate button below. The website does take a small percentage commission so for donations above £50 a bank transfer would ensure that the choir receives the full benefit of your financial gift. If you wish to arrange a donation by bank transfer please email the treasurer via the contact page to ask for more information. (The treasurer would need to collect gift aid information from you).

Our charity number is 1189084. The objects of the choir are “to advance, improve, develop and maintain public education in, and appreciation of, the art and science of music in all its aspects by any means the trustees see fit, including through the presentation of public concerts and recitals”.

If you would like to support the choir, please click the button below.

Donate through Give as you Live Donate

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